Sunday, March 29, 2009

If I could choose any human, alive or dead, to eat dinner with...

I'd pick a dead one. Preferably one I bested after they'd given me a good belly rub. I'd flip over and latch onto their carotid artery before they knew what hit them. They would bleed out in seconds.

On second thought, that might be kind of messy. Potassium chloride in their orange juice always does the trick. Stops the 'ole ticker in under three minutes.

Humans are dropping like flies from heart attacks, the news reports say. Foul play is never suspected when one's diet consisted of the four food groups: pork rinds, beer, McDonalds and peanuts. If people only realized that most heart attack victims ALSO owned dogs.

But, don't worry, Girl. It's not your time. YET.

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